Community Advocates
of Big Bear
Mail Delivery
Yes, it's complicated to get mail in Big Bear.
Here are some suggestions to help get your mail and packages to you.
US Postal Service
The USPS does not deliver to most homes in the Big Bear Valley and instead requires residents sign up for a PO Box at the Post Office in their zip code:
Big Bear Lake 92315 (only Big Bear location with passport service; make an appointment)
Check with your local Post Office to find out whether you are one of the few lucky ones with home/street mailbox delivery. The required PO Box is free if it is the smallest size. You may pay for a larger box.
No big deal, you say, but wait . . .
Mail delivered to the Post Office must be addressed with the PO Box number for delivery, but here's where it gets complicated. Amazon and other companies will also use UPS and FedEx at times (who deliver to street addresses but not PO Boxes), but UPS and FedEx contract with the USPS for final delivery (which needs your PO Box, not your street address). So, the package you thought was coming to your house ends up at the Post Office, who returns it because there's no PO Box. Further frustrating is that many online sites won't accept your PO Box for delivery, but your street address won't show up in their USPS database (because it doesn't exist for street delivery), and you have no way of convincing the system to send you your order. Sometimes calling helps, but sometimes they can't override their system. But there is a solution!
Here's what the USPS recommends. Always enter your address like this:
123 Street Name, Unit 1234 (PO Box number entered as Unit)
City, CA zip-1234 (PO Box number or designated +4 specific to your address)
Post Office information here